FREE Movement Assessment

30-minute live online movement assessment

Getting back to exercise from an injury can be challenging, especially when you’re struggling with the motivation or frustration of not knowing what exercises to do. Maybe you want to start exercising, but you have aches and pains, leaving your body feeling tight, restricting your everyday movements?

If this sounds like you, we have a perfect starting point to try with our new FREE online movement consultation.

We use the consultation for two main reasons. First, it allows our coach to understand more about your current condition. Secondly, it provides our coach to know how you’re moving by assessing specific movements.

Essentially, you’ll be asked to move into certain positions so we can see what restrictions you have. , and find what compensatory movement patterns you’re now using.

For some of you, it may be a breathing-related issue. For others, maybe a hip or spine restriction limiting your movement. When we find your restrictions, we can use this information to perform activities to target these specific areas.

Movement Assessment

Once sent, we’ll email you to say hello. Before arranging your session, a PARQ (pre-activity readiness questionnaire) needs to be signed and contain no flagged contraindications to exercising.

If the PARQ is clear, a link to our calendar will be sent to you, where you can book your session at a time that’s convenient for you.